This post is a throwback to some of the fun activities I did when I was still a classroom teacher before my time in the science lab . :)
I LOVE FALL!! Everything about fall! I love the leaves changing colors, apple cider, hay rides, corn mazes, ALL things pumpkin, Halloween, Thanksgiving, the crisp weather, the cozy sweaters and boots...You get the idea :)
Even though fall has not officially begun aaannnnd it is still 90's outside, I could not wait to kick off the season with some fun, apple themed activities!
Here are some wonderful read-alouds that I like to incorporate throughout the week.
*Click the cover to find the book on Amazon and learn more about it*

*Click the cover to find the book on Amazon and learn more about it*
I also found "The Story of the Apple Star" here and read it to my kids. It is so cute! My kids could not believe their eyes when we cut open one of our apples and found that there was really a star inside!
Then we read this little rhyme I found here whole group and circled the rhyming words. In small group, each kid got their own version of the poem and highlighted our HFWs we are working on this week: is, a. Then, they got to use our halved apples to make their own apple stamp.
For science we made predictions about how each slice of apple would be effected by the air, water, vinegar, and oil and made observations of any changes throughout the week.

We discussed the different parts of an apple as we dissected our own apple.

We discussed the different parts of an apple as we dissected our own apple.
Then using our 5 senses, we explored 3 different types of apples: Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, and Granny Smith. We discussed how they felt, looked, and smelled and added our answers to an anchor chart.
Next, we listened to see if we could hear any differences in the CrUnCh when we bit into the apples to do our taste test. :)
Finally, we voted on which apple we liked best. Obviously we are still working on name writing, but it is still early in the year. We are getting there!
In math we have been working on patterns so of course, we had to use our special star apples to make apple print patterned headbands!

We also weighed each apple using bear counters and a balance scale and compared the weight of each apple.
During "Science Friday" we made applesauce in the crockpot.
This is one of my FAVORITE things to do each year because the kids LOVE it and my classroom smells AMAZING! Oh yeah, and it's educational...
Next week we will be having even more apple fun (Johnny Appleseed day is September 26th!) and my kids will be working on these cute little apple themed workstations!
Fill in the missing letter
Write the room
Match Johnny to the apple that has his beginning sound
Spell the CVC word on the apples
And apple themed rhyming puzzles
Do you have any special apple themed activities that you like to do with your class? I would love to hear about them in the comments below!